Screeps World Review, December 2016

Screeps gets hot! If you managed to get bored, you’re probably doing something wrong. Thousands of players, 8 layers of world map perimeter, portals for long-range transportation, countless minor scuffles and major battles across alliances, free market, instant messaging between players in personal and shared chats… Cheer up your allies, Screeps has much more in store!

Time in Screeps flows slower than your watch, but we hope you won’t notice it when playing. Let’s make a snapshot of our world today to better assess our future progress, look back, and smile:

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Steam Workshop is available!

We have enabled Steam Workshop integration in the 2.1.0 server build. Now you can submit your mods and bot AI scripts to the Workshop, and manage them using the Steam client server launcher:

Steam Workshop is linked to the npm repository. It means that you need to publish your package to npm first, and submit it to the Steam Workshop after:

This way we can have the best of both worlds: all mods are still available via npm, and you can browse them using the convenient and friendly Workshop UI. All mods will be automatically updated to the latest version on server launch.

Now, it is time to write some mods!

Changelog 2016-11-14

  • CARRY parts now don’t have weight penalty when boosted. One CARRY part always generates fatigue as one body part, even if it contains more than 50 energy units.
  • Increased the following boost effects:
    • UO: from +100% to +200% harvest
    • UHO2: from +200% to +400% harvest
    • XUHO2: from +300% to +600% harvest
    • LH: from +30% to +50% repair and build
    • LH2O: from +65% to +80% repair and build
    • GH: from +30% to +50% upgradeController
    • GH2O: from +65% to +80% upgradeController

Screeps World Review, November 2016

The race for ratings, resources, territory, and influence goes on and now embraces 170+ sectors. A recent remarkable event was the emergence of parallel universes on Private servers. For example, a nice company gathered on ags131's server. So it's quite possible that our reviews will reflect this and include stories from various interesting places. But now let's focus on our good old world that is cozy for some (if you're lucky with your neighbors and diplomacy), but dangerous to others (if you're keen on making noise). Everything is up to you!

We always try to strike a balance that will both allow newcomers to survive and let veterans develop in a fair way. The majority of players look like sand grains or spots, and if you look through the eyes of LoAN, you'll see quarters. Of course all of them are programmers and colleagues.

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Screeps private server released!

We are glad to announce that after two weeks of closed testing, the Screeps standalone server is live for public testing, and the entire code is posted to our GitHub and available to all!

Now you can install the server on any machine from the NPM repository with a couple of commands. Please see instructions in our README.

Within a couple of days, we plan to set up integration with the Steam Workshop to let you upload your mods for the community.

Besides, after negotiating all the details with the Steam marketing team, we have agreed on the date of making Screeps available on Steam as "Full Release." If everything goes as intended, the release will happen in a week, on November 16! The game will exit the Early Access status and be published in the main catalog of Steam games.

Changelog 2016-11-07

  • When there is no free space in the target terminal while sending resources, it will not be dropped on the ground. Instead, only the amount that fits into the terminal will be sent. If the terminal has 0 capacity (i.e. it is in inactive state), then it won't be able to receive any resources.

Screeps World Review, October 2016

The trend of the month has been the deepening of market relationships and forming alliances of players. Of course, this boosts both conquers as well as market cooperation.

Let’s make a snapshot of the brave new world that will soon become history and birthplace for a new generation of AI. Its width today is equivalent to 5 creep lives on foot without portals:

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Changelog 2016-10-24

  • Invaders in Source Keeper rooms are now always spawned in groups of 2-5 creeps and may be boosted with tier-3 boosts including XGHO2.
  • The world map is now continuous on borders when doing StructureTerminal.send and trade operations. The corresponding option added to the method:'E65S55','W65S55', false) // 131'E65S55','W65S55', true) // 11

Changelog 2016-10-13

  • Mineral regeneration mechanics are changed. Mineral regeneration amount is no longer random, but rather depends on a new property called Mineral.density:
    • DENSITY_LOW: 15K amount (10% probability)
    • DENSITY_MODERATE: 35K amount (40% probability)
    • DENSITY_HIGH: 70K amount (40% probability)
    • DENSITY_ULTRA: 100K amount (10% probability).

    It gives the same average value as before this change, but now it is predictable and creates some variety between rooms.
  • In most cases, density is not changed between regenerations. However, there is a 5% chance that it will be changed to a random new density on the next regeneration cycle. For DENSITY_LOW and DENSITY_ULTRA deposits this chance is always 100%.
  • Mineral deposits density is visually observable on the world map using the corresponding display option.
  • Flags count is now limited to 10,000 per player. 
  • When created via the API, flag names are limited to 60 characters (creating via UI is already limited, there was the lack of filtration in the API). Old flags names will be truncated to 60 characters.
  • When remainingAmount property of a market order becomes equal to 0, the order now does not get deleted, but becomes inactive instead. You can call extendOrder and reactivate it keeping the same persistent ID. You must call cancelOrder explicitly in order to remove this order from your list.