New documentation site

Great news: we've launched a new documentation site!

Quality documentation and API reference are crucial for the success of any program platform, and Screeps can well be considered a program platform. That's why we spent so much time to thoroughly document all available game objects and methods which was not very convenient on top of Zendesk Help Center. Now we are excited to announce the launch of our new documentation site that you can start using right now!

Here is the link:

Besides revamped looks and improved desktop and mobile navigation, the new site boasts another feature: it is fully open-source and GitHub-based. This means you can always offer a fix or suggestion.

And that's not all! We understand that Screeps is a game with a steep learning curve, and good documentation helps make it flatter. If you want to help us document the game well, we are ready to thank you in return.

Contribute to documentation and earn money

We announce the launch of the Contributed Articles program! If you write a fully compliant article that will be included in the official documentation, you will get $50 on your PayPal account or 5 Subscription Tokens (roughly equivalent to $ 90) on your game account depending on your choice.

Please read more about the program using this link.