Game situation review: December 11, 2015

A year has passed since the initial launch of the game. We want to thank everyone who was patient to get over radical changes, focus shifts, and other transformations. And now there is the Public Test Realm allowing both you and us to test new features in a smoother way or just have some fun with reduced requirements to the controller upgrade progress. Please take note that the world data has been copied again. We plan to do it roughly once a week from now on.

But let’s get back to the world and capture the current borders of players’ domains. Currently 83 players occupy 339 rooms out of 1152 available.

The controller upgrade has been limited to level 8 last season which resulted in a somewhat hasteless progress pace. To compare, both the October and November charts by danny[12]:

Current chart link:

Despite this, the top 3 players have managed to get even more Expansion Rank rating points, namely 1161M, up from 999M in October. NhanHo[20] tops the rating for the 3rd season straight. It’s very likely that his 424M record will stay for long. Here is the November top:

 Due to temporary absence of alternatives in using “extra” energy, November saw massive walls and ramparts buildup. Players’ achievements in mounting defenses are seen at the following chart: 

 This requires summing up all the hits of the rooms controlled by players. To get a better understanding, let’s take the best defended room from each of the top players (by bulding):

[W6S13] Ramparts 2662M + walls 1248M = 3910M.

AzuraStar[19] first focused on defenses likely because of scattering of bases all around the map, since the same trend is seen with other players who pursue pinpoint expansion. And since this room is situated in Hernanduer’s[18] surroundings who has seized the entire sector W5S15, it is fortified against not less than a nuclear strike: part of the rampart reaches nearly 200M.

[W2S12] Ramparts 797M + walls 1409M = 2206M.

Hernanduer closes an important intersection by this room, and a significant number of free sources is all around. Plus, due to a large perimeter of the room he needed to build 132 squares with 16,7M hits each on average. Hernanduer did not waste time and equaled AzuraStar in the number of defenses, while monopolization of the sector made his domain almost invincible.

[W19S28] Ramparts 1793M + walls 3048M = 4841M.

This room is at the end of nowhere (remote South-West of the map), it is msvsergey’s [12] deep rear. Some walls here reach 100M. This room is number one in the world by the energy used for developing. Allthough, if we look at his other room W18S23, the average wall height there is even greater.

This month's featured video is the battle Vision[12] vs retired[5]:

And, of course, the most interesting latest feature has been the launch of a brand new aspect of the game, Power hunting. A new Power Rank is introduced for skilled players that have already mastered basic principles of the game. We hope this will also be very interesting to watch as they fight for domination in this new metrics. We’ll be covering players’ achievements here in our future reviews.