This post has been published at Indiegogo campaign on November 25, 2014.
People ask us a lot of questions, and we decided to address some of them in this update. The main question is: what will happen if the campaign doesn't reach the goal? As we have already said, we need this campaign to make sure that we'll be able to finish everything in due time, which means enough financial resources for full-time work on the project. The promised MMO part will be launched in any case. However, Screeps does not have financing at all – it is an indy project of a couple of people working in their free time. So we can't guarantee that we'll be able to launch the Early Preview in January. We will do our best, but still can't guarantee. This is what will happen in case we won't reach the target. On the other hand, we guarantee the January timeline in case of reaching it.
We hear a lot of concerns about workability, performance, usability, etc. of the current demo version of the game. Please keep in mind that this is only a demo, not a ready game. Certainly, the ready game, when it's launched, will have a player profile, saving your code to the server, GitHub integration, etc, and computations will be done on the server rather than your browser, which will boost performancce.
By the way, we are working on certain improvements right now. For example, today we launched an update that boosted performance considerably which allowed to raise the maximum execution speed to 500%. Besides, this update fixes a lot of bugs and adds some features that you requested like up/down buttons in the console and switching tabs in the editor on Alt+1, Alt+2, Alt+3. Soon we hope to add zooming of the game window and a pop-up mode of the code editor in a separate window which will make control more convenient.
We added a new $300 perk to the campaign which allows you to design your own room for your open world. You will have exclusive right to build your spawns in this room. It doesn't mean that they will be indestructible, so you won't get significance advantage, but no one will be able to build spawns until you stop playing. So you will be able to leave a major trace in the history of Screeps.
Thank you very much for your support! We are really impressed by the results you get as you master the game. For example, there is an interesting community on Reddit already, and one may find lots of really intelligent scripts on GitHub. It all shows that Screeps has bright future. Let's create it together! Please spread the word to your friends and colleagues.