Changelog 2017-06-26

  • Refactored creep damage and heal apply logic in a more consistent fashion. The main part of its logic can be found here:
    1. All incoming damage and heal is counted first, but not applied.
    2. Total heal and damage are applied to the creep's hits.
    3. hits <= 0 and hits > maxHits checks are made.
    4. The creep’s body is recalculated, including CARRY capacity.
  • Market order prices now can be set with 0.001 precision. However, all real credits transactions still work with 0.01 precision, i.e. when you execute a deal, the resulting transaction (amount * price) is rounded up. You cannot execute a deal for a total amount less than 0.01 credits, the method will return ERR_INVALID_ARGS.

    This means you can sell/buy energy for 0.001 per unit, but with amounts not less than 10 energy units per transaction.

These changes are supported in private server v2.7.1.

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